Hungarian Spitz Association Special Exhibition - March 8, 2025 for Spitz breeds, American Akitas,

Date: 2025.03.08
Place: Bugyi, Forster Vadászkastély Rádai utca 14.
Organised by: Magyar Spitz Egyesület

  • 2025-02-20
    1. Deadline
  • 2025-03-04
    Last entry deadline
  • 2025-03-08
    Day of show
Deadline to modify online entries: 2025-03-04

Entry fees

Minor puppy
1. Entry deadline 2025-02-20
1. dog 25 EUR
2. dog 25 EUR
3. dog 25 EUR
More dogs 25 EUR
2. Entry deadline 2025-03-04
1. dog 30 EUR
2. dog 30 EUR
3. dog 30 EUR
More dogs 30 EUR
1. Entry deadline 2025-02-20
1. dog 25 EUR
2. dog 25 EUR
3. dog 25 EUR
More dogs 25 EUR
2. Entry deadline 2025-03-04
1. dog 30 EUR
2. dog 30 EUR
3. dog 30 EUR
More dogs 30 EUR
1. Entry deadline 2025-02-20
1. dog 40 EUR
2. dog 35 EUR
3. dog 35 EUR
More dogs 35 EUR
2. Entry deadline 2025-03-04
1. dog 45 EUR
2. dog 40 EUR
3. dog 40 EUR
More dogs 40 EUR
1. Entry deadline 2025-02-20
1. dog 40 EUR
2. dog 35 EUR
3. dog 35 EUR
More dogs 35 EUR
2. Entry deadline 2025-03-04
1. dog 45 EUR
2. dog 40 EUR
3. dog 40 EUR
More dogs 40 EUR
1. Entry deadline 2025-02-20
1. dog 40 EUR
2. dog 35 EUR
3. dog 35 EUR
More dogs 35 EUR
2. Entry deadline 2025-03-04
1. dog 45 EUR
2. dog 40 EUR
3. dog 40 EUR
More dogs 40 EUR
1. Entry deadline 2025-02-20
1. dog 40 EUR
2. dog 35 EUR
3. dog 35 EUR
More dogs 35 EUR
2. Entry deadline 2025-03-04
1. dog 45 EUR
2. dog 40 EUR
3. dog 40 EUR
More dogs 40 EUR
1. Entry deadline 2025-02-20
1. dog 40 EUR
2. dog 35 EUR
3. dog 35 EUR
More dogs 35 EUR
2. Entry deadline 2025-03-04
1. dog 45 EUR
2. dog 40 EUR
3. dog 40 EUR
More dogs 40 EUR
1. Entry deadline 2025-02-20
1. dog 25 EUR
2. dog 25 EUR
3. dog 25 EUR
More dogs 25 EUR
2. Entry deadline 2025-03-04
1. dog 30 EUR
2. dog 30 EUR
3. dog 30 EUR
More dogs 30 EUR

Additional entry fees

Breeders Group
1. Entry deadline 2025-02-20
Price 10 EUR
2. Entry deadline 2025-03-04
Price 10 EUR
Progeny Group
1. Entry deadline 2025-02-20
Price 10 EUR
2. Entry deadline 2025-03-04
Price 10 EUR
Brace Couple
1. Entry deadline 2025-02-20
Price 10 EUR
2. Entry deadline 2025-03-04
Price 10 EUR
Junior Handler
1. Entry deadline 2025-02-20
Price 10 EUR
2. Entry deadline 2025-03-04
Price 10 EUR
Reclassification fee: 10 EUR
Dog replacement fee: 10 EUR

Breeds to enter

Breeds recognised by the FCI
FCI Nr. Breed name Breed name [FCI]
14 Vastgötaspets (Swedish Vallhund) Swedish Vallhund
49 Suomenpystykorva (Finnish Spitz) Finnish Spitz
97 Deutscher Spitz, Zwerg (Pomeranian) Pomeranian
97 Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Orange, other color (Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colours) Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colou
97 Deutsche Spitz, Mittel-White (Medium German Spitz White) Medium German Spitz White
97 Deutscher Spitz, Gross - White (Giant German Spitz White) Giant German Spitz White
97 Deutscher Spitz, Keeshond (German Spitz, Wolfspitz) Wolfspitz (Keeshond)
195 Volpino Italiano (Italian Volpino) Italian Volpino
257 Shiba Shiba
261 Hokkaido Hokkaido
262 Nihon Supittsu (Japanese Spitz) Japanese Spitz
276 Norrbottenspets (Norrbottenspitz) Norrbottenspitz
289 Íslenskur Fjárhundur (Icelandic Sheepdog) Icelandic Sheepdog
291 Eurasier (Eurasian) Eurasian
319 Shikoku Shikoku
344 American Akita American Akita
358 Thai Bangkaew Dog Thai Bangkaew Dog
97 Deutscher Spitz, Gross - Brown or Black (Giant German Spitz Brown or Black) Giant German Spitz Black/Brown
97 Deutscher Spitz, Mittel - Black or Brown (Medium German Spitz Black or Brown) Medium German Spitz Black/Brown
97 Deutscher Spitz, Mittel - Orange,grey,other color (Medium Size German Spitz Orange, grey shaded or other colours) Medium German Spitz Orange, grey shaded or other colours
97 Deutscher Spitz, Klein-White (Miniature German Spitz White) Miniature German Spitz White
97 Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Black or Brown (Miniature German Spitz Black/Brown) Miniature German Spitz Black/Brown

Show statistics

Group Breed name Breed name [FCI] Class Sex Number of entries
V. American Akita American Akita Minor puppy Male 1
V. American Akita American Akita Intermediate Male 1
V. Deutsche Spitz, Mittel-White (Medium German Spitz White) Medium German Spitz White Junior Male 1
V. Deutsche Spitz, Mittel-White (Medium German Spitz White) Medium German Spitz White Junior Bitch 1
V. Deutsche Spitz, Mittel-White (Medium German Spitz White) Medium German Spitz White Intermediate Bitch 1
V. Deutsche Spitz, Mittel-White (Medium German Spitz White) Medium German Spitz White Champion Bitch 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Gross - Brown or Black (Giant German Spitz Brown or Black) Giant German Spitz Black/Brown Junior Male 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Gross - Brown or Black (Giant German Spitz Brown or Black) Giant German Spitz Black/Brown Open Bitch 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Gross - White (Giant German Spitz White) Giant German Spitz White Intermediate Male 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Keeshond (German Spitz, Wolfspitz) Wolfspitz (Keeshond) Open Male 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Keeshond (German Spitz, Wolfspitz) Wolfspitz (Keeshond) Open Bitch 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Keeshond (German Spitz, Wolfspitz) Wolfspitz (Keeshond) Champion Male 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Keeshond (German Spitz, Wolfspitz) Wolfspitz (Keeshond) Champion Bitch 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Keeshond (German Spitz, Wolfspitz) Wolfspitz (Keeshond) Veteran Male 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Black or Brown (Miniature German Spitz Black/Brown) Miniature German Spitz Black/Brown Minor puppy Bitch 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Black or Brown (Miniature German Spitz Black/Brown) Miniature German Spitz Black/Brown Junior Male 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Black or Brown (Miniature German Spitz Black/Brown) Miniature German Spitz Black/Brown Champion Male 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Orange, other color (Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colours) Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colou Junior Male 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Orange, other color (Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colours) Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colou Junior Bitch 2
V. Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Orange, other color (Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colours) Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colou Intermediate Male 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Orange, other color (Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colours) Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colou Intermediate Bitch 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Orange, other color (Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colours) Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colou Open Male 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Orange, other color (Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colours) Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colou Open Bitch 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Orange, other color (Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colours) Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colou Champion Bitch 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Orange, other color (Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colours) Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colou Champion Male 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Orange, other color (Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colours) Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colou Veteran Bitch 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Orange, other color (Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colours) Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colou Veteran Male 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Klein-White (Miniature German Spitz White) Miniature German Spitz White Champion Bitch 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Klein-White (Miniature German Spitz White) Miniature German Spitz White Veteran Bitch 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Mittel - Orange,grey,other color (Medium Size German Spitz Orange, grey shaded or other colours) Medium German Spitz Orange, grey shaded or other colours Junior Male 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Mittel - Orange,grey,other color (Medium Size German Spitz Orange, grey shaded or other colours) Medium German Spitz Orange, grey shaded or other colours Open Male 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Mittel - Orange,grey,other color (Medium Size German Spitz Orange, grey shaded or other colours) Medium German Spitz Orange, grey shaded or other colours Champion Male 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Zwerg (Pomeranian) Pomeranian Minor puppy Bitch 2
V. Deutscher Spitz, Zwerg (Pomeranian) Pomeranian Puppy Bitch 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Zwerg (Pomeranian) Pomeranian Junior Bitch 2
V. Deutscher Spitz, Zwerg (Pomeranian) Pomeranian Junior Male 3
V. Deutscher Spitz, Zwerg (Pomeranian) Pomeranian Intermediate Bitch 3
V. Deutscher Spitz, Zwerg (Pomeranian) Pomeranian Open Bitch 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Zwerg (Pomeranian) Pomeranian Open Male 1
V. Deutscher Spitz, Zwerg (Pomeranian) Pomeranian Champion Bitch 2
V. Deutscher Spitz, Zwerg (Pomeranian) Pomeranian Champion Male 2
V. Deutscher Spitz, Zwerg (Pomeranian) Pomeranian Veteran Bitch 1
V. Eurasier (Eurasian) Eurasian Champion Male 1
V. Íslenskur Fjárhundur (Icelandic Sheepdog) Icelandic Sheepdog Champion Bitch 1
V. Shiba Shiba Minor puppy Bitch 1
V. Shiba Shiba Minor puppy Male 1
V. Shiba Shiba Junior Male 2
V. Shiba Shiba Junior Bitch 1
V. Shiba Shiba Intermediate Bitch 1
V. Shiba Shiba Intermediate Male 1
V. Shiba Shiba Open Male 2
V. Shikoku Shikoku Puppy Bitch 2
V. Shikoku Shikoku Junior Bitch 1
V. Shikoku Shikoku Junior Male 1
V. Shikoku Shikoku Champion Male 1
V. Shikoku Shikoku Champion Bitch 1
V. Vastgötaspets (Swedish Vallhund) Swedish Vallhund Intermediate Bitch 1
The exhibition cannot be entered; it is an archive exhibition that has already taken place.
Show - Identification 736